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Tuesday, January 7

8:55am PST

Advanced Chess Training - How To Learn Chess LIMITED SEATS REMAIN
Tuesday January 7, 2025 8:55am - 11:30am PST
I will give advice on improvement in chess: how to practice and how to choose out of the sea of content and players online to learn from. After this discussion we will apply the ideas with games and review in class.

Prerequisite: Familiarity with all rules of chess including checkmate, castling, and en passant. Familiarity with chess notation is helpful.

Steven Zierk

GM Steven Zierk is a chess professional and coach from San Jose, California. He won the World Youth Under 18 Championships in 2010 and after earning his degree from MIT in 2015, earned the Grandmaster title in 2018.
Tuesday January 7, 2025 8:55am - 11:30am PST
  2 Blocks

12:35pm PST

Artificial Intelligence in Chess SEATS AVAILABLE
Tuesday January 7, 2025 12:35pm - 3:10pm PST
We will cover the history of AI in chess from the first simple algorithms to the best modern engines, covering both their progress in chess and the meaning for AI as a whole.

Students will have the chance to develop their own simple chess AI, and will be given guides on how to develop more elaborate ones.

Steven Zierk

GM Steven Zierk is a chess professional and coach from San Jose, California. He won the World Youth Under 18 Championships in 2010 and after earning his degree from MIT in 2015, earned the Grandmaster title in 2018.
Tuesday January 7, 2025 12:35pm - 3:10pm PST
  2 Blocks
Wednesday, January 8

8:55am PST

Advanced Chess Training - Making the Most of Each Piece SEATS AVAILABLE
Wednesday January 8, 2025 8:55am - 11:30am PST
This class will cover each piece individually: cases where it is strong, cases where it is weak, and how to make your own pieces powerful and your opponent's pieces weak.

Prerequisite: Familiarity with all rules of chess including checkmate, castling, and en passant. Familiarity with chess notation is helpful.

Steven Zierk

GM Steven Zierk is a chess professional and coach from San Jose, California. He won the World Youth Under 18 Championships in 2010 and after earning his degree from MIT in 2015, earned the Grandmaster title in 2018.
Wednesday January 8, 2025 8:55am - 11:30am PST
  2 Blocks

12:35pm PST

Designing Storytelling Games SEATS AVAILABLE
Wednesday January 8, 2025 12:35pm - 3:10pm PST
In this session you'll learn how to design in-person storytelling games (including tabletop roleplaying games and larp). We'll play a few short games together and talk about processes and principles for game design. Then you'll design your own games and playtest them.

No prior play or design experience required.
avatar for Randy Lubin

Randy Lubin

Founder, Leveraged Play
Randy Lubin is an award winning game designer and entrepreneur. He makes beginner friendly roleplaying games and larps through his studio Diegetic Games. His consulting firm Leveraged Play designs serious games that help organizations explore the future and explain complex topics... Read More →
Wednesday January 8, 2025 12:35pm - 3:10pm PST
  2 Blocks
Thursday, January 9

8:55am PST

Making Change: Counting Finite Things using Infinite Ideas SEATS AVAILABLE
Thursday January 9, 2025 8:55am - 11:30am PST
How many ways can you make $0.97 from quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies?
How can you derive a closed-form formula for the sum of the first n squares or cubes? Or for the n-th Fibonacci number?

These all sound like inherently discrete counting problems--yet there are ideas from the realm of continuous functions, which have an essentially non-discrete, infinite character, that can be used to solve them. We'll explore generating functions, which encode solutions in polynomials, and touch on finite calculus, which extends ideas of calculus to the discrete realm.

Prerequisites: most of the class will just use ideas through precalculus, but familiarity with basic derivatives and integrals will be helpful for the last part of the class.

Michael Callahan

Michael Callahan had a first career as a mathematician, working on differential geometry, symplectic topology, and gauge theory, including as a Rhodes Scholar and Junior Research Fellow in Mathematics at Oxford University.  After that he became a software entrepreneur and investor... Read More →
Thursday January 9, 2025 8:55am - 11:30am PST
  2 Blocks

12:35pm PST

Learn to Play Go FULL
Thursday January 9, 2025 12:35pm - 1:50pm PST
This class will cover the basic fundamentals of the game of Go and hopefully start you on a path towards learning a strategy game that's captivated millions of minds around the world for thousands of years. Students who already know how to play are welcome to join and will be paired up with other experienced players.

Go (also known as Weiqi, Baduk and Igo) is an ancient Chinese strategy board game that has been around for at least 2000 years. It's often considered the oldest strategy game on the planet that's still being played in its original form (although Chess has also existed for thousands of years, the rules have changed over time).

Once upon a time, it was considered one of the four essential arts of a Chinese scholar and although it's not very well known in the Western world, it is still widely played in China, Japan and Korea today, with major tournaments often being broadcast on the news and online.

Go players often joke that you can learn the game in a few minutes but it may take you the rest of your life to master. Come to this class if you like deep strategy games and puzzles! I'd love to help you start on your Go journey!

Students who attend this session are invited to the open Go play sessions.

Casey Dahlin

Casey has been playing Go for over fifteen years and is the vice president of the San Francisco Go Club.
Thursday January 9, 2025 12:35pm - 1:50pm PST
  1 Block

1:55pm PST

Thursday January 9, 2025 1:55pm - 3:10pm PST
Now that you know some of the basics of Go playing, this is your chance to practice and play with an instructor available to advise you.

This session is open to students who attend the introduction "Learn to Play" class or anyone who knows the basics of how to play.

Casey Dahlin

Casey has been playing Go for over fifteen years and is the vice president of the San Francisco Go Club.
Thursday January 9, 2025 1:55pm - 3:10pm PST
  1 Block
Friday, January 10

8:55am PST

Anxiety Society: A History of Nervousness from Railway Madness to Coca-Cola FULL
Friday January 10, 2025 8:55am - 11:30am PST
Why were grown men once absolutely terrified to ride trains? What would compel well-to-do women to swear off all physical activity and eat nothing but heavy cream soups? Why were doctors so worried about wristwatches? How did Coca-Cola – with traces of cocaine – become America’s favorite headache remedy?

In a word: anxiety. 

In this session, we’ll explore the history of modern America through its wild, amusing, and sometimes disturbing responses to big changes that included the rise of cities, new technologies, lightning-fast transportation, access to drugs, and shifting gender roles and identities. To do this we'll examine medical literature, fairytales, Victorian fiction, and a bit of 19th century pseudoscience.

For students interested in history, medical mysteries, gender studies, source analysis, and storytelling.
avatar for Felicia Angeja Viator

Felicia Angeja Viator

San Francisco State University; TIME Magazine
Felicia Angeja Viator is an associate professor of history, a pop culture writer, and a bonafide horror nerd. She's also a history editor for TIME magazine and a curator for the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles. Felicia is the author of To Live and Defy in LA (Harvard University Press... Read More →
Friday January 10, 2025 8:55am - 11:30am PST

12:35pm PST

A History of Haunted Houses FULL
Friday January 10, 2025 12:35pm - 3:10pm PST
The witch’s hat, towers and turrets, gingerbread latticework, and the attic. In the Victorian era, houses with these architectural details represented all the comforts associated with the American Dream. But by the 20th century, ornate Victorian homes began to warn us: something’s not right in there; something nefarious is lurking inside.


In this session, we’ll take a ghost tour through the cultural history of Victorian architecture in America. With a little help from the Brothers Grimm, Shirley Jackson, Tim Burton, Alfred Hitchcock, and Sarah Winchester, we’ll explore what made these structures so iconically creepy.
avatar for Felicia Angeja Viator

Felicia Angeja Viator

San Francisco State University; TIME Magazine
Felicia Angeja Viator is an associate professor of history, a pop culture writer, and a bonafide horror nerd. She's also a history editor for TIME magazine and a curator for the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles. Felicia is the author of To Live and Defy in LA (Harvard University Press... Read More →
Friday January 10, 2025 12:35pm - 3:10pm PST
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